Cho Ye Rim

"Be grateful"

5th Captain. (Feb.2024 - )Interest : Embedded System
E-mail :

Park Shin Young

"깨지면서 성장하기"

5th Vice-Captain. (Feb.2024 - )Interest: Arduino

Cho Yoon Jeong

"Go for it."

Interest : Artificial Intelligence

Hyeon Heui Sub

"Don't be afraid of starting"

Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Robots

Kim Min Seong

"Don’t worry, be happy."

Interest : Artificial Intelligence

You Si Eun

"Slow but Steady"

Interest : Artificial Intelligence

Park Chan Wook

"Failure is Progress toward success"

International Robot Olympiad 2018 semi final / 1st Prize, IRO 2018 final (creation sector) / Technical Prize, IRO 2019 semi final (Robot in movie) / 2nd Prize, IRO Camp 2020 Minister’s Award, Interest: Robot

Kang Ji Yun

"Keep Going!! "

Interest : Artificial Intelligence

Lee Jung Hyun

"With Passion"

Interest : Artificial Intelligence

An jung won

"Don't put off what we have to do today"

Interest : Artificial Intelligence


Chung Jae Seok

"Don't be afraid"

Smarcle Staff.(Aug.2023 - )Interest : Computer VisonGithub :
Velog  :

Lim Shi Hyun

"Own the process."

Smarcle Staff.(Aug.2023 - )Interest : Embedded system, CV, NLP

Hwang Chan Mi

"Don't dream, Be it."

Interest : Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things

Kang Ji Yeong

“Luce sicut stellae”

Interest: Artificial Intelligence

Han Eun Kyeol

"흘러가는 대로 열심히!"

Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Data

Kwon Hyo Jeong

"Do your best, as always"

Interest : Internet Of Things, Artificial Intelligence

Jeon Yu Jin

"Challenge what you feel afraid of!"

Kukmin University Autonomous Car Contest/ 6th PrizeInterest : ML

Kim Tae Kyung

"Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish."

Interest: Artificial IntelligenceWeb_CV(click here!)

Kim Ha yun

"This Too Shall Pass."

Interest : Artificial Intelligence

Seok Min Chung


Interest: (A)IOT / AI / VR,AR,MR

Park Kyung Jun

"Don't Think. Just Do"

Interest : Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Unmanned Systems, Semiconductor

Lee Gye Moo

"Just Do It"

Interest : Artificial Intelligence, Web Programming

Seok Sung Hyun

"You can see as much as you know."

Interest : Brain-Computer-Interface, Reinforcement Learning

Choi Jeong Wan

"Just do it."

Interest : Artificial Intelligence

Heo Ji Yoon

"Sacrificing the present me creates a happier future me."

Interest: Robots, Embedded system, Artificial Intelligence

Kim Kang Min

"Good afternoon, Good evening, and good night"

Interest :  Game Development, Artificial Intelligence

Kim Seo Young

"Carpe Diem"

Interest: Artificial Intelligence

Kim Min Sung

"Experience is the teacher of all things"

Interest : Artificial intelligence, Internet of Things

Kim Ji Won

"No man is born wise."

Interest : Artificial Intelligence

Shim jinbo

"siuuuuu "

Interest : Artificial Intelligence

Kim Ha Yeon

"Even if you regret it, just do it"

Interest : Artificial Intelligence

Lee Sang Min

"Adventure is out there!"

Interest : Artificial Intelligence

An Seo Hyun

"Don't be afraid!"

Interest : Artificial Intelligence

Lee Heon seong

"Let's do it when we do it"

2021 Intensive Community of Major / 2nd prize, Interest : Robotics, Arduino, AI
Github:, Blog:

Park Ji Ho

"Just do it"

Interest : Artificial Intelligence

Bang U Yeong

"Love Yourself"

Interest : Security

Shin Hye Ram

"시작한 일 끝까지 최선을 다하자"

Interest : Autonomous Driving

Lee Young Khwang


Interest:3D Printing

Kim Si Woo

"Always Awake"

Interest : Artificial Intelligence


Wi Seong Min

"Life is Timing."

1st Captain. (Jun.2017 - Jan.2020)M.S.  Sejong Univ. IME (Sep.2020 - Feb.2022 )IVP Lab. (Sep.2017 - Dec.2021 )Hyundai MOBIS Research Engineer (Jan.2022 - )

Sim Dong Hyun


2nd Captain. (Feb.2020 - Feb.2022 )WHATs LAB CEOWeb_CV(click here!)

Kim Chanyoung

"Just Read the Instructions."

1st~2nd Vice-Captain. (Jun.2017 - Feb.2022 )MICV Lab, Yonsei Univ.Web_CV(click here!)

Jung Kyung Hoon

"Work, Life, Balance."

2019 Sejong AI idea contest /2nd Prize2020 Sejong SW/AI Makerthon/2nd Prize2nd Vice-Captain. (Feb.2020 - Feb.2022) Nudge Healthcare FE Developer (Dec.2021- )Github (click here!) 

Ko Jin Young

"무엇이든지 지나치지 않게 적당히. 그리고 꾸준히"

4th Captain. (Feb.2023 - )Interest : Embedded System

Lee Yong Bin

"Good people have to get out of the bed everyday, Try to empty the ocean with the ladle"

3rd Captain. (Feb.2022 - Feb.20234th Vice-Captain. (Feb.2023 - Jul.2023)Interest : Aerial photography, Drone, 3D printing, Deep Learning


Kang Min Seo

"Once in a lifetime means there's no second chance."

Smarcle Staff.(Jan.2023 - )Interest : Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things

Sim Jae Sung

"그래도 해야지. 어떡해"

Smarcle Staff.(Jan.2023 - )Interest : Artificial Intelligence, Web

Park Si Hyun

"Only actions give life strength, only moderation gives it a charm"

4th Vice-Captain. (Feb.2023 - )Interest : Artificial Intelligence

Ryu Jiwon

"There's nothing meaningless"

Smarcle Staff. (Aug.2021 - )2021 Intensive Community of Major / 2nd prizeInterest : Artificial Intelligence

Kwon Su Ji

"This, too, shall pass away."

Interest : Artificial intelligence, Unsupervised Learning - Generative Adversarial Networks

Kim Bum Ju

"Without Haste, but without rest"

Interest : Deep Learning, Computer Vision

Song Ji Won

"나를 위하는 마음"

Interest :  Artificial Intelligence, Stretchable Electronics

Yoon Soo Kyoung 


Smarcle Staff.(Aug.2022 - ) Interest: Artificial Intelligence

Kim Hyang Im

"Life is venture or nothing"

Interest: Artificial Intelligence

Jeong Hyeon Yeop

"I'll take my chances"

Interest : Urban Air Mobility

Kim June Su

"늦은만큼 더해라"

SW 코드클럽 하반기 교육기부단 봉사자Interest : Artificial Intelligence, Web Programing

Kim Su Hwan

"寧我負人 無人負我 "

Smarcle Staff.(Jan.2022 - )Autonomous Shipping Lab.(Oct.2021~)Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Autonomous Shipping System

Kang Inyeong

"Easy, Lazy, Sassy"

Smarcle Staff. (Aug.2021 - Feb.2023) / 5th woowacourse crew(Feb.2023 - ing) / 4th SKT AI Fellowship(May.2022 - Nov.2022), Interest: Web Front-end Development, Computer Vision WebCV (click here!) 

Roh Jimin

"Try to Love Failure, Just Enjoy!!"

3rd Vice-Captain. (Feb.2022 - Feb.2023)2021 Intensive Community of Major / 2nd prizeInterest: Artificial Intelligence, BCI(Brain Computer Interface), VR/AR/MR GitHub(click here!)Blog(click here!)

Ha Seung Ah

"Just go through it"

Smarcle Staff.(Jan.2023 - )Interest : AI, tactile internet, Robot

Oh Seung Hyun

"오리를 생으로 먹으면 회오리!"

Smarcle Staff. (Jun.2019 - )MS/PhD Student, Korea Univ. (Mar.2023~)

Song Hye Won

"Wish to be green and light."

Smarcle Staff. (Jun.2019 - Feb.2022 )WHATs LAB CTO

Shin Woo Jung

"Hakuna Matata"

RB Group. (Oct. 2019 - Jan. 2020)2020 International Robot Contest / 4th PrizeHanwha Investment & Securities

Kwon Yeong Seo

"Cat Saves The World."

iNCS Lab. (Dec. 2017 - Aug.2022 )M.S.  Sejong Univ. IMELIG Nex1

Park Ji Ha

"Don't worry be happy. "

Interest : Quantity and quality of Big DataMS Student, Korea Univ. (Mar.2023 ~ )

Shin Do Hyun

"Pain Past Is Pleasure."

Smarcle Staff. (Feb.2020 - Aug.2021)4th Sejong Coding Challenge Week / 5th Prize2020 International Robot Contest / 4th PrizeSW Mentoring Program Mentor. (Sep.2017 - Dec. 2017)

Chang Yun Jeong

"Plan and Do"

Smarcle Staff. (Feb.2021 - Aug.2021)10th SW•AI Hackathon / 2nd PrizeM.S. Sejong Univ. IVP LabWeb CV(click here!)

Kim Kun Woo

"Today is better than yesterday"

3rd Sejong SW Hackathon / 2nd Prize4th Sejong Coding Challenge Week / 5th PrizeSW Mentoring Program Mentor (Sep.2017 - Dec. 2017)

Choi Tae Gyu

"Do not regret"

1st Creative Convergence Nomad Competition / 1st Prize
Hyundai AutoEver

Kwak Suzy

"See Far."

2020 International Robot Contest / 3rd Prize7th Sejong SW • AI Challenge / 3rd PrizeLG Electronics

Koo Beom Jun


4th Sejong Coding Challenge Week / 5th Prize 

Kang Ho Yeon

"Thank you."

Smarcle Staff. (Aug.2021 - 2022)Interest : Internet of Things, Sensor, Embedded System

Kang Shin Hyeon

"Beauty outside. Beast inside." 

iNCSL Lab (Dec. 2019 - ) SW Mentoring Program Mentor (Sep. 2017 - Dec. 2017)Seoul Campustown Performance presentation / 1st Prize

Song Won Jin

"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart."

Interest : Computer Vision , Big data analytics

Lee Seung Hyeon

"Just do it"

IVP Lab. (Jan. 2020 - Feb. 2020)6th SW Coding Competition / 4th Prize

Jeon Seo Hyeon

"The early bird catches the worm."

Interest : Smart Healthcare and Medical Devices, EEG System

Hwang Yu Lim

"Connecting the dots"

Interest : Intelligent Semiconductor  

Choi Gyumin


Smarcle Staff.(Jan.2023 - )Interest: NLP, Chat bot


Choi Jun Young


Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Unmanned Vehicle 

Kim Min Sol

"Drive slow"

MINES LAB(May.2022 - Nov.2022) / 4th SKT AI Fellowship(May.2022 - Nov.2022)Interest : Computer vision Generation

Kim Yonghyun

"be a maker for all "

Smarcle Staff. (Aug.2021 - Feb.2023)Interest: Computer Vision, Computer Security 

Yoo Hyeokjae

"Just Do It"

Smarcle Staff.(Jan.2022 - Mar.2023)Interest: AI, Robot, Software 

Jeong Yuchan

"BE the Perfect "

2021 International Robot Contest / 3rd Prize, Interest : Embedded system, Robot, SLAM, Machine learning Web CV(click here!)

Gil Taeho

"Invest in Yourself!"

Interest: Artificial Intelligence

Han Ji Won

"Try Anything"

Interest: Web, Server,  Artificial Intelligence

Kim Bum Yeol

"안 되는 것 없다."

Interest:  smart farm

Cheon Seung Won

"일단 하고 보자"

Interest : Artificial Intelligence, CV, NLP, Data, Game

Park Gwang Seok

"그냥 하자."

Interest : astronomical observation, industrial design, Artificial Intelligence

Kim Jong Ho

"후회없는 삶을 살자"

Interest : Artificial intelligence

Park Chan Eol 

"Never give up."

Interest : Artificial Intelligence, Robot

Oh seung Min

"될 때까지 한다"

"2019 ICT Makerthon/3rd PrizeInterest : Computer Vision

Kim Sang Wan

"후회할 바엔 그냥 하자"

Smarcle Staff.(Aug.2023 - )Interest : Artificial Intelligence, VRg